Category Archives: Poetry

You Deserve Better






When I look I’m the mirror what do I see?
Nothing but a stranger staring back at me
I am so lost, I don’t know who I am anymore
I feel as though living has just become another chore

You wouldn’t want to see my face today
I wouldn’t know what really to say
But on the inside I’m really screaming
Sometimes I wish I was just dreaming Read the rest of this entry

Underneath The Surface










Alone with my thoughts
That’s a dangerous place to be
There’s more than what you see on the surface
Most people are blind and cannot see

There’s a darkness dwelling inside
One that I cannot control
You may call me crazy
It’s just the darkness taking over my soul Read the rest of this entry



I’ve been stealing moments here and there
And when you catch me
I dart my eyes around everywhere
Hoping that you didn’t see

I cannot describe how I feel when our eyes meet
It ignites up something inside
There’s a funny feeling in my tummy, bitterly nervous yet sweet
Sometimes it’s hard to hide Read the rest of this entry

Never Meant To Be

it wasn't supposed to be this way but








Don’t pretend like you care about me
I know you don’t
Don’t pretend like you will be there for me
I know you won’t

Don’t pretend like you love me
I don’t need any more lies
Don’t pretend like you want me
I can see through your disguise Read the rest of this entry

On My Mind









Some days I just think “gosh you’re so cute”
Some days I can’t wait to be next to you
Some days I feel together there’s nothing we can’t do

Some days I only want to talk to you for hours
Some days I just want to bring you flowers
Some days I can’t help but smile
Some day I want to ask you to stay awhile Read the rest of this entry

Mr. Misunderstood






I don’t have anyone that gets me
Who understands me
Who can feel what I feel inside
I’m the only one

Yes,  I have walls up
To keep those who don’t matter out
To keep myself from harm
I’m all alone inside Read the rest of this entry

Project [Infected]


The line to my emotions has been disconnected
This path I’m walking isn’t where I should be headed
And when you find me here it will be worse than you expected
I hate to bring this to you but I’m infected

There is poison coursing through my veins
It’s eating away at my soul until nothing remains
I constantly feel like I’m shackled by chains
Everyday inside my head it rains Read the rest of this entry

The Fifth Column

"News and views from around the world"

Cook in Five Square Meters

Recipes & Photos in 5m²

Finger, Fork & Knife

I'm Kate and Finger, Fork and Knife is where I record the recipes that excite, nourish and inspire me. I focus on wholesome, high-nutrition, home-cooked food - recipes that satisfy and delight. Welcome!


Through binoculars / I leave my narrow world for / an ocean of stars.

Leaf And Twig

Where observation and imagination meet nature in poetry.


Vague Meanderings of the Broke and Obscure


musings on life, love and laughter from my spoken heart to yours

Excuse Us for Living

Making our way through our retirement years

Busy Mind Thinking

Wait! What?!

The WordPress Blogatorium

Reblogs, Reviews and more

Dreams to Reality !

Everything in between Life and Death....


Live and Love...Every day..